November 28, 2010

The Start of Many Things

Well, tomorrow I get to move into my new apartment.  Except unlike normal move-ins, I won't have a full truckload of stuff accompanying me into my apartment.  I won't have any furniture!  No bed, no dining table, chairs, sofa, desks or other creature comforts.  Heck, I think I'll only have a roll of toilet paper to get my by.  To complicate things, tomorrow's also the day I start work!  How will I manage?  Well, hopefully my work will understand if I have to leave early.  In fact, I hope I can get some critical paper work done (like filling out an I-9 form) and then I can start moving the stuff that has been packed in my car for the last week-ish into my apartment.  Then, I'll need to go shopping for a lot of necessities, like soap, shampoo, some cleaning products and inflating an air mattress I brought with me.  Then onto critical food items like vegetable oil, pastas, milk, juice...all the stuff that I usually take for granted as just existing inside any fridge.  Luckily, I've got some used furniture lined up for the coming week and hopefully I'll be able to at least pick up a couple chairs to sit on for tomorrow least I can use the kitchen countertop to eat off of.  Then by the end of the week, I hope to have some other small used items in my possession. 

By the end of next week, the deliveries will start to come - I have my TV coming on Friday, at which point I can pick up a cable box and at least have TV to watch, in addition to a microwave oven, toaster oven and a blue-ray player within a few days of this.  Next Monday, my mattress will finally be arriving, with the bed frame arriving a couple days later.  That following week, I'll also have a sofa sectional arriving along with an ottoman/coffee table and a work desk.  Meanwhile, I'll be on the lookout to buy some night stands, corner tables, desk drawers and maybe an inexpensive dresser to make my place more functional.  I don't think I'll really get around to "decorating" my place until the new year, after I've start to settle into my new apartment.

Next week, I'll also have to look into switching over my car insurance as being in the States so that in the near future, I can register my vehicle with the State of Texas, which is technically required to occur within a month of arriving in town.  I'll then also need to check if my Social Security Number has been processed...cause without that I can't sign a cell phone contract!  And I'm using that as my source for internet no SSN, no phone or internet!  Brutal!  So for 1-2 weeks, I may not have internet OR a phone to use (not to mention TV) about the dark ages!  I won't even get to update my Facebook status!  Yikes!  Haha...but don't worry, I think I might survive...

And wait, I'll be working at the same time! Time to turn my brain back on and start learning lots of new things from scratch!  It'll be a busy few weeks...I think I'm going to look forward to the holidays come mid-Dec...a short re-charge before really digging in the beginning of the new year.